Super Buck Moon Paddle and Fabio Fundraiser
Trip Date: 13/07/2022
Meeting Time: 7:00pm. Please be punctual, as the moon waits for no one.
Departure: Anywhere from St. Thomas Bay, Marsascala (ARRIVE EARLY TO PARK)
Distance: There will be three options for this event, please read the entire post and associated maps.
Duration: 3 to 4 hours depending on route
Plan: We will park here, in the water and start paddling at 0715pm.
Projected winds: Force 2.
Projected swells: 0.3M projected
Sunset: 8:19pm
Moonrise: 8:34pm

***this is a fundraising event as well, please read in great detail***

Fabio Spiteri Last week became the first Maltese and 126th athlete ever in history to finish a Quintuple Ironman. His goal is to collect 100,000 euros to support animal shelters and feeders in Malta. We are asking for every participant to send directly to Fabio, using the below methods, to his cause. A minimum donation of 4.66 euros is requested to attend, please feel free to donate more. In the details or notes, please tell him you are from GOAK if using revolut, Paypal, or bank transfer. For SMS you cannot send details. We cannot issue receipts, so please send to him directly. Thank you!
***Please send us a pm on messenger with your proof of receipt so we can tally a count at the end of the event***
Please donate here:
Public donations via:
Revolut: +356 99816248
SMS donations
€ 4.66 | 50618075
€ 6.99 | 50618923
€ 11.65 | 50619260
Bank Transfer
BOV IBAN : MT40VALL22013000000050010082877
Payment details write: GOAK Event
1. Many boaters may be present. We must stay together for safety and to stay HIGH VIS.
2. Slipways--very slippery and may have jellies present.
3. Boats, jetskis, and this is a partial NIGHT PADDLE. Headtorches and outdoor fairy lights are mandatory to attend.
4. Gloves are recommended and proper footwear.
6. Jellyfish: Bring a small jelly kit with bicarbonate of soda and an old credit card in your first aid kits if you plan to swim.
7. Fairy lights for your kayak (make sure to get outdoor)
Headtorch--per Maltese law, vessels our size that are navigating at night must have, at least, a white headtorch on during movement.
Safety tips:
Stay close together. We shouldn't be too far from each other. If you are too far to receive help, how can we help?
Keep whistles handy and wear high vis PFDs and clothes
Take extreme caution on slips and rocks. Use proper footwear
Again, stay well grouped up, within whistle shot of your neighbor
Drink plenty of water, and proper clothes. Be smart, plan ahead.
The Plan:
We will meet near Zion for briefing prior to departure.
Option 1:

We head towards Munxar Path, going under the arch, giving the point itself a wide berth to avoid the reef. We hope to find nice calm seas on the other side, to rest and watch the moonrise.
We cannot guarantee that we can land in this location, but we hope to. If not, we can paddle around, raft up and connect boats, and watch the moonrise. Fairy lights and head torches, activate!
Once we get our fill, we will head back to Zion area to drop off beginners,
Option 2:

Then head towards Hotel Jerma. If others want to depart back from this point, a subgroup will be formed here, then return to Zion.
Option 3:

for more advanced paddlers, we will continue on to Marsascala bay, to near Summer Nights, or so, then hug the coast toward Zonqor. From there, we raft up (regroup) and cross the bay towards Jerma, then hug the coast back to Zion.
Please refer to the attached maps for distance and clarity on the routes.
This is a night paddle, so extreme caution must be taken at all times to make sure everyone is present and accounted for. Outdoor lighting and head torches are required for this event to ensure visibility.
Things to bring:
Your own kayak, rentals are not available yet
Paddle and spare
PFD (required)
Bilge Pump or another way to evacuate water
Spray decks (or skirts)
Paddle leashes should be used (just use a cheap rope if you need to)
Plenty of water
Plenty of food and snacks
Dry bags
Mosquito repellent
Recording equipment and ways to protect it.
Fairy lights for your kayak (make sure to get outdoor)
Headtorch--per Maltese law, vessels our size that are navigating at night must have, at least, a white headtorch on during movement.
***Disclaimer of Events***
GOAK Malta is a ‘closed’ group and attending events/activities is voluntary by you as a member. Participation in any event within this group is at your own risk. By joining the events as a member, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless “Get Out and Kayak Malta”, its organizers, assistants, and any given member within the event/activity of GOAK Malta, from all claims or liability of every type (including court costs and legal fees) for injury or death to any person or for damage to property, loss of personal property or any other wrongful act arising out of or relating to your participation as a member. This agreement applies to you and any other person (as your guest) who may accompany you in these endeavours. By participating voluntarily in GOAK Malta, you understand that you are responsible for your own safety. Also, we record with several cameras and drones. By coming with us, you accept this and expect to be recorded and published on our socials and YouTube. If this doesn't sound like your cuppa tea, the sea is quite large ;-)
You can sign a waiver form at