Departure Point: Gnejna Bay
Potential Destination: Fomm Ir-Rih
Distance: about 7 km (my readouts are still a work in progress)
Time: 1.5 hours
Temp: 20C
Winds: 8/km NW
Clouds: Hazy
Swells: None
Kayaks present: Six

Thanks to the recommendation for this awesome night Cap! We value our members' input, and Cap threw out there he wanted to see a sunset, so, we packed up and headed out, and we met them on the water around 5:15pm, after work.

We didn't realize, but they had met up earlier, went to the caves and were sitting at the Cabana having a coffee. We jumped in the water, and met Alex, and waited for the others to get in their kayaks.
As you can see with the pic of Alex above, the water was quite calm and relaxed, perfect for a sunset paddle.
We quickly formed up and headed west, then south towards the Santa Marija Caves.
On the way, there are plenty of opportunities to rock hop, and grab some killer pics of the rocks, or video clips of the water retreating back into the sea. These areas are known as Ras il-Pellegrin and Pullicino's Cove.

An extremely popular hiking destination, quickly made popular since the pandemic, is a mere 1.59 km paddle from Gnejna. We do consider this to be a beginner journey at this point, however, going to these places without proper help is not recommended. There are shallow reefs, and the swells are notorious for broadsiding kayaks and knocking people from their boats.
#KayakTips incoming!
Always wear a PFD (personal flotation device) to avoid disaster.
Use a paddle leash that connects your paddle to your kayak (click here to read here for more information on leashes).
Don't go alone, ever.

We have been paddling a lot since getting our new kayaks, as far as distance is concerned, and we were hardly ready to be done, so, we headed South to Fomm Ir-Rih to chill on the beach and have a snack.
If you haven't been before, it's a lovely paddle, not too far, and the sound of the pebbles rolling on the beach is truly awesome!
Click play to listen

So now we have paddled about 3.5 km or so, and we need to take a break here to relax a bit, chat, and snack. If you haven't been here before, it is a lovely private beach that is nearly impossible to get to without a kayak, which is why we love our kayaks so much.
All of the sudden, we had some serious swells pounding the beach, so, this was a perfect time to practice some #kayakskills. Entering and exiting the kayak, especially in rougher conditions are pretty tricky. Luckily, we have help because we go with friends.
When assisting someone, put the kayak partly in the water, so it is somewhat buoyant. Have the kayaker get in the cockpit normally, but, before that, the assistant is to actually sit on the rear hatch of the fellow kayaker they are assisting. This ensures safety and that the kayak will not roll as they are getting in. Once they are in, push them out, straight as possible as to not broadside. Once they pass the swells cresting, then they can prepare their sprayskirts and paddle on.
We did an Ocean Clean Up Event last year, with NGO Zibel (click their name to go to their FB page) or click this link here to see our video from our YouTube Channel.
After snacking, we had to head back out, to meet the sun. To be honest, we did not expect to see such colors this night, as it was very hazy and cloudy.
When we paddled back past Santa Marija Caves, near Ras il-Pellegrin, we were blessed with vibrant colors, and a beautifully setting sun!
We stayed for quite a while before heading in, snapping photos, relaxing, and breathing.
The silence on the water is something one cannot truly put into words, you have to experience it, and being on the kayak is the best way to do it, surrounded by friends.
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