Who wants to paddle 18km with us on Saturday?!?
The winds and swells are perfect and we cannot resist. We have had this stretch of coast in our crosshairs for ages.
We will leave Malta on the 5:30 ferry (and watch the sunrise) and arrive at Daħlet Qorrot Beach around 6:15 most likely. We want to be in the water and paddling around 6:30am.
We will stop several times at every major beach/bay (see below). Bring money for ftira or ice cream if that is your plan. After a nice break and some exploring at Xwejni Bay Beach, we head back home.

Trip Date: 04/06/2022
Meeting Time: 5:00am Please be punctual. I called the Captain, he said no, I will not wait for your kayak buddies...so be on time. ;-)
Departure: The ferry leaves Cirkewwa at 5:30am, to Daħlet Qorrot Beach, Gozo, approximate arrival, around 6:30am in the water and paddling by 6:45 hopefully.
Distance: 17.5km or more
Projected Arrivals: San Blas, Ramla, Marsalforn, Qbajjar, and Xwejni Bay
Difficulty: Intermediate and advanced paddlers; due to length of paddle. Inflatables may have difficulty with this length...you can always stop where you wish and get a cab back to Daħlet Qorrot Beach, if needed.
Projected winds: Force 1/2/3. We should get a little help on the way home.
Projected swells: minimal, but some expected rogue swells due to boaters and jetskis.
1. Many boaters may be present. We must stay together for safety and to stay HIGH VIS
2. Slipways--we have not investigated these slips for risk assessment
3. Ferries, boats, and jetskis
4. Heat/sunstroke: wear proper spf suncream and spf clothes. Wear a full covering hat as well. Gloves are recommended and proper footwear.
5. Dehydration: Freeze 2 or 2.5 liters of water the night prior and you will have no worries.
6. Jellyfish: Bring a small jelly kit with bicarbonate of soda and an old credit card in your first aid kits.
Safety tips:
Stay close together. We shouldn't be too far from each other. If you are too far to receive help, how can we help?
Keep whistles handy and wear high vis PFDs and clothes
Take extreme caution on slips and rocks. Use proper footwear
Again, stay well grouped up, within whistle shot of your neighbor
Drink plenty of water, wear sunblock, and proper clothes. Be smart, plan ahead.
Things to bring:
Your own kayak, rentals are not available yet
Paddle and spare
PFD (required)
Bilge Pump or other way to evacuate water
Spray decks (or skirts)
Paddle leashes should be used (just use a cheap rope if you need to)
Plenty of water (2 or 2.5 liters or more)
Sunblock (spf 50+)
Sun protection, including hats, proper spf clothes
Plenty of food and snacks
Money for kiosks (if you want)
Dry bags
***Disclaimer of Events***
GOAK Malta is a ‘closed’ group and attending events/activities is voluntary by you as a member. Participation in any event within this group is at your own risk. By joining the events as a member, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless “Get Out and Kayak Malta”, its organizers, assistants, and any given member within the event/activity of GOAK Malta, from all claims or liability of every type (including court costs and legal fees) for injury or death to any person or for damage to property, loss of personal property or any other wrongful act arising out of or relating to your participation as a member. This agreement applies to you and any other person (as your guest) who may accompany you in these endeavours. By participating voluntarily in GOAK Malta, you understand that you are responsible for your own safety. Also, we record with several cameras and drones. By coming with us, you accept this and expect to be recorded and published on our socials and YouTube. If this doesn't sound like your cuppa tea, the sea is quite large ;-)
You can sign a waiver form at https://www.getoutandkayakmalta.com/news-updates